Brand made in Italy So Good

Duis sit amet finibus purus. Vestibulum tincidunt, nisl sodales blandit laoreet, urna mauris porta nunc, a dignissim erat ligula vitae enim. Sed aliquet, sem nec tincidunt pellentesque, dui velit auctor dolor, ut interdum velit metus id libero suscipit.

pullover girocollo fiore


basic & glamour

A light and sweet combination of Avada Tangy and the spicy richness of Avada Fury. This beer is brewed with the freshest local hops. Best served over ice.



Light 3.2%

A light and sweet combination of Avada Tangy and the spicy richness of Avada Fury. Best served over ice and garnished with Lime. This beer is brewed with the freshest local hops.

pullover bimba con rucher



The superior drinkability of Avada Craft Beer Aroma paired with 100% natural lime flavor. This fresh tangy drink will have you back for more, again and again.



Medium 4.6%

The superior drinkability of Avada Craft Beer Aroma paired with 100% natural lime flavor. This fresh tangy drink will have you back for more, again and again.

pullover 3 bottoni


casual & basic

A bold taste with a strong, slightly sweet finish. Once you try one of these craft beers, you’ll never drink anything else. Fury is our strongest specially brewed beers.



Strong 5.6%

A bold taste with a strong, slightly sweet finish. Once you try one of these craft beers, you’ll never drink anything else. Fury is our strongest specially brewed beers.